Uniquely Everest

Established in 1997, Everest Consultants is an independent advisory firm located in historic Franklin Square in Syracuse, New York. We specialize in comprehensive wealth management, serving both individual investors and business clients. With a combination of over 62 years of wealth management advisory experience and more than 20 years of back-office support experience, Everest Consultants offers proficient financial services. Following the Investment Adviser’s Act of 1940 and registered with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), our company serves clientele throughout the United States as well as internationally.

Central to our mission to provide excellent advice is trust and integrity. The core of the Advisor’s Act is the concept of the fiduciary; a person or entity that holds a legal or ethical relationship of trust. We are committed to fiduciary responsibility as evidenced by our daily practices, policies, procedures, and code of ethics. Acting in our client’s best interest is our interest. Our clients can expect full disclosure of actual or potential conflicts, constant loyalty, and can have complete confidence in good-faith practices on their behalf.

Fee-Based Vs. Commission

We do well when you do well. We are not paid through individual transactions. Our fees are a stated annual percentage that is charged on a quarterly basis. As your portfolio balance changes throughout the year, our revenue changes with your balance. In this way, our recommendations are tied directly to your best interest to ensure that we are meeting your expectations and moving toward your individualized goals.


As an independent advisor, we are not obligated to meet quotas or goals from any custodian or investment company. We are not driven to sell proprietary funds from a particular investment company, open a predetermined number of accounts, meet a certain deposit limit, or generate a number of trades that could conflict with our client’s best interest. Our advisory services are given based on your individualized investment plan that takes into account your investment time horizon, risk tolerances, and suitability to the investment being recommended.

Our independence and our mandate as a fiduciary together with our revenue-tied-to-investment performance are what make working with us unique from working with brokers. Brokers are transactional; they receive their revenue from the purchase or sale of an investment product, and they are often required to generate trades or recommend products to meet quotas issued by the wirehouse or investment company that they represent. This inherent conflict of interest between one’s livelihood and the client’s best interest is not required to be disclosed to clients. Brokers are governed using a different litmus test—that of a prudent man, and one for which the product is merely suitable to the client: not in their best interest, just suitable. Our independence allows us to adhere to higher standards of integrity and excellence.

Contact us for personalized investment advising.
We proudly serve clients internationally and nationwide from our offices in Syracuse, New York and Jupiter, Florida.